Scott Dutton, Assistant Director of Georgia Bureau of Investigation |
Scott Dutton, Assistant Director of Georgia Bureau of Investigation |
The Registry shows that eight of these sex offenders are sexual predators. In Georgia, a sexual predator is an individual who is determined by the Sexual Offender Registration Review Board to be at risk of perpetrating any future dangerous sexual offense.
The Registry also shows that 36 of these sex offenders are currently incarcerated.
Sex offenders in Georgia remain on the Sexual Offender Registry for life unless removed by a court order or other legal means. Any individual who fails to register when required “shall be guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 30 years,” according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
If a sex offender moves to another county in the state of Georgia or another state in the US, they are required to register with the Sheriff in their new county or state of residence., a security think tank, found the number of sex offenders in the US increases by roughly 32,000 a year.
Offender | Status | Crime |
Aaron Larry Wilson | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Albert Lee Strickland | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Alexander Dewayne Reed | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Andrew Branch | Incarcerated | Rape |
Andrew William Lerch | Not Incarcerated | Criminal sexual act 3rd degree |
Antonio Leshone Harris | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Antonio Mejia | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
Arthur Randolph Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Austin Harrington | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Billy Dewayne Benefield | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Billy Oneal Rhoten | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Billy Wade Adams | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Bradley Cameron Phillips | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Brandon Lee Holton | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Brandon Maurice Powell | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Brian Anthony Hammontree | Not Incarcerated | Importuning |
Brian Martez Paschal | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Bruce Allen Howard | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Bryan Alexander Stone | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Calvin McClure | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Carey Lavel Cooper | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Cesar Ale Balbuena-Valenzuela | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Charlie Franklin Stevens | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Chase Vickers | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery (2nd or subsequent conviction) |
Christie Marie Brown | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Christopher Lee Dunmon | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Chrystal Lynn Garren | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Clarence W. Mixon | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Clay Allen Rutledge | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Clyde Williams Spivey | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Cory Ryan Parker | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Craig Shannon Shiver | Incarcerated | Sexual misconduct |
Crystal Flores-Montiel | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Danny Richard McNab | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Dano D. Jackson | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
David James Fuller III | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
David Jerome Taft | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Lamar Wilkerson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Lyndon Roberson | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
David Matthew Griffis | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
David Michael Hines | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Deangelo Marquez Taylor | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Demetrius L. Sims | Incarcerated | Rape |
Demond Sinkfield | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Dennis Franklin Harris | Not Incarcerated | Peeping tom |
Donnie Dewayne Hurst | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Douglas Randall Pope | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Doyle Rupert | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Dud C. Chauncey III | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Eddie Milford Tanner | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
Eddie Roy Armour | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Edimilson A. Gomez-Martinez | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Elix Crockett Jr. | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Ephesian Lewis | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Eric Dewayne Young | Not Incarcerated | Attempted sexual battery on a child under 12 |
Evan Treadaway | Not Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Fernando Duque Torres | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Gary Royals Anderson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Gerald Paul Roser | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Gerald Robinson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Glenn Jurell Worth | Not Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Gregory Wayne Lott | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Henry Andrew Wallace | Not Incarcerated | Sexual offense |
Howard Jakoderick Townsend | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Jacob Benjamin Fuller | Not Incarcerated | Federal/military sex crime conviction |
James Clinton Purvis | Not Incarcerated | Lewd and lascivious acts with a minor |
James Daniel Cousart | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Darwin Pease | Not Incarcerated | Lewd and lascivious acts |
James Edward Claxton | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Edward Stone | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
James Emory Howze | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
James K. Vickers Jr. | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
James Leroy Cornelius | Not Incarcerated | Enticing a child for indecent purposes |
James Leroy Garner | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
James Scott Ricketson | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Jason Kyle Rozier | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Jeff Hammontree | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jeffrey Lamar Gissenter | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery by an adult on a victim under 12 years old |
Jeremy Bo Harper | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Jessica Ann Washburn | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
John Henry Hursey | Not Incarcerated | Possession of child pornography on computer |
John Wesley Kirkland | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Johnnie Wade Nix | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph A. Tanner | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Glenn Wright | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joseph Henry Roddenberry | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Joshua Adam Lowe | Not Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Julian Ross Falber | Incarcerated | Curruption of minors |
Justin Codi Daniel Erickson | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of a minor |
Kenneth Dewade Williams | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kevin Damon Hill | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Kyle Courson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Lee Deminta Barfield | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Leon Ray Young Sr. | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Linda Steedley | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Maggie Ann Tarlton | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Marc Anthony Foutch | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Marcus McFails | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Matthew Cory Godfrey | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Matthew James Thomas | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Melvin James Ireland | Incarcerated | Sexual assault 1st degree |
Michael Aponte Toles | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Shannon Deaton | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Michael Stanley Adams | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Michael Tyrone Jordan | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Mitchell Gaskins | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Montravious Stephens | Incarcerated | Aggravated assault with an intent to rape |
Nancoma Williams | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Nathan Ellis Porter | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Nicholas Bernard Brown | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Noah Fields Farrar | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault/overcome victims will |
Odis Dewayne Harper | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Orlando Torrey Clark | Incarcerated | False imprisonment of a minor |
Phillip Anthony Edwards | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Phyills Mae Smith | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Randall Lee Chapman | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Randy Johnson | Not Incarcerated | Sodomy - felony |
Raymond Walter McKenney | Not Incarcerated | Sexual assault 2nd degree |
Richard Albert Biggerstaff | Incarcerated | Sexual battery against a child under 16 years of age |
Ruben Fernando Lopez | Not Incarcerated | Incest |
Samuel Banuelos | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Santiago Tovar Banda | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Sean Michael Fulton | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Shamont Maurice Lowder | Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Spencer Antonio Carter | Incarcerated | Criminal sexual conduct - 4th degree |
Stacy Anderson | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Taejon Manning | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Terrance Dernard Simpson | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Thomas Berrien | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Thomas Owen Morehead | Not Incarcerated | Sexual abuse |
Thomas Whitfield McGee | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Timothy Alan Phillips | Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
Timothy Dover | Not Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Timothy Lamar Williams | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Travis Levi Goode | Not Incarcerated | Possession of a photo showing sexual performance by a child |
Tyrone Lamar Alexander | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Vincent Michael Harper | Not Incarcerated | Out of state offender - sexual offense |
Warren Lee Buchanan | Incarcerated | Statutory rape |
Wilfred Pruitt | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
William Eric Strickland | Not Incarcerated | Sexual exploitation of children |
William Michael Tanner | Not Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Willie Earl Tomlin | Incarcerated | Child molestation |
Willie Marshall Reed | Not Incarcerated | Aggravated child molestation |
Xavier Demercus Burkes | Not Incarcerated | -- |